Friday, April 20, 2007

International Youth Leadership Program Students
The intent of this program (the BRIL KIDS program) is to:
*Engage and inspire students and young adults to grow up more aware of and sensitive to the diversity of their own communities and those visited under this program.
*Further our impact within the community as a result of exposure to and dialogue with our featured speakers.
*Provide unique opportunities to students and young adults consistent with the mission and focus of The Brilliant Lecture Series, Inc.
As a direct result of the inaugural lecture featuring Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan in October 2006, a party of ten students will be spending one week in Amman, Jordan, during Spring 2007 as the guests of The Jubilee School. It is planned to continue exchanges on a national and international level at every opportunity.

Students ast the International Airport

Jubilee School Students and Westside High School Students